Maria Konoshenko – mezzo soprano
Early Baroque Gems
Saturday 27th July 2019, 7.30 pm, St Botolph Church, Trunch
The Norwich Baroque Quartet comprises the four principal players of the much-acclaimed Norwich Baroque orchestra.
Jim O’Toole regularly directs Norwich Baroque. He toured extensively with the European Union Baroque Orchestra while completing his post-graduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music.
Liz Skinner completed her masters degree at the Royal College of music with Andrew Manze, one of the most celebrated baroque violinists of our time.
Phipil Trzebiatowski trained at the royal Academy of Music and in the Netherlands, where he played with the Netherlands Ballet Orchestra. He has played with many distinguished London orchestras, the Loveday Trio and with the Esterhazy Quartet.
David Morgan studied composition with Reginald Smith-Brindle and William Mathias and organ with Brian Runnet and Noel Rawsthorne. Since retiring as Programme Manager for Performing Arts at City College Norwich in 2006, he has been the regular harpsichord continuo player for Norwich Baroque.
Maria Konoshenko, the young Russian mezzo-soprano, who performs the music of many different styles including Baroque, music of c20, Traditional Russian songs and Jazz.
Audio: 'Vittoria", Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque

Toccato : Walter PORTER (c1587 – 1659 ) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
Ciaccona : Tarquinio MERULA ( c1594 – 1665 ) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
4 Songs: John DOWLAND ( 1563 – 1626 )
Come Come Again – Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet
Can she excuse my wrongs – Maria Konoshenko & David Morgan (Harpsichord)
Go Crystal teares – Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet
Flow my tears – Maria Konoshenko & David Morgan (Harpsichord)
Semper dolands : John DOWLAND ( 1563 – 1626 ) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
Canzona a 3 : Francesco CAVALLI ( 1602 – 1676 ) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
Vittoria, vittoria : Giacomo CARISSIMI ( 1605 – 1674) – Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet
The “Golden” Sonata : Henry PURCELL ( 1659 – 1695 ) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
2 English Folk Songs
Let no man steal your thyme – Maria Konoshenko
The ash grove – Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet
Sonata Decima – Libro 2 : Dario COSTELLO (1602 – 1631) – Norwich Baroque Quartet
Allegro / Adagio
Adagio / Allegro
Adagio / Presto / Adagio / Presto
Russian songs:
“I got as drunk as a skunk”, a folk song (in Russian) – Maria Konoshenko
I got as drunk as a skunk,
Couldn’t make my way home…
A faraway path
at twilight
Brought me to a cherry orchard.
A cuckoo sings in the orchard,
Makes my heart yearned and worried…
Tell me please,
rede please
Where is he, my beloved.
Dear God, guide and help him
If he is on the road,
If he is in bed
with sweetheart –
Punish him, Dear God!
Why for him I am not as lovely
As she is, as someone else?
I am nice,
I am comely,
Just my destiny is cursed.
If I knew that my marriage
Would become such a failure,
I’d never
have gone to a church,
I’d never got married.
I’d stay, stay forever
At my parents hearthstone…
I got as drunk
As a skunk,
I can’t make my way home…
Podmoskovnye vechera “Moscow Nights” : Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi (1907 – 1979) – Maria Konoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet
For the Norfolk day: Butter & Cheese and All (Norfolk folk song) – MariaKonoshenko & Norwich Baroque Quartet

All concert proceeds were donated to restoration and conservation projects for the churches of Trunch, Swafield and Bradfield. The Church and community would like to thank both the audiences and the performers for their generosity. Since 1998 the concerts have raised over £30,000 towards these projects.
Thanks too to the dynamic Trunch Village Society for its support for TRUNCH CONCERTS.