Trunch Concerts 2013 – Music in an historic Norfolk Church

SATURDAY 8th JUNE 2013 at 7.30 pm
‘Pictures at an Exhibition’
Russian piano music by Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Scriabin
Exhibition of Paintings of Artists from Trunch
Mussorgsky: Pictures from an Exhibition
Tchaikovsky – June from ‘The Seasons’; Scherzo Humoristique no. 2
Tchrepnine – Three Preludes (nos 2, 3 and 4) from ‘8 Preludes for piano’
Rachmaninov – Elegie op.3 no. 1; Two Preludes from op. 23
Shostakovich – 6 preludes from ’24 preludes’ op 34
Scriabin – Etude op.8 no.11
The evening will be all the more alluring for an exhibition of paintings by artists from Trunch or otherwise closely connected to St Botolph’s.
Anna Le Hair studied at Edinburgh University and the Royal College of Music. She enjoys a busy and varied career as pianist and piano teacher. Engagements have included recitals, both solo and as chamber musician and accompanist, in many London venues and others around Britain and abroad, where Anna has played many of the best loved concertos, including this year Mozart’s piano concerto no. 23 in April and Beethoven’s piano concerto no. 4 in May. She has performed at festivals in Edinburgh and Buxton, where she was nominated for the title of “Performer of the Fringe”, and in April this year she accompanied Polymnia at the Ischia Music Festival in Croatia . She is a Senior House Pianist at the AIMS International Summer School, and is much in demand as an accompanist for singers and instrumentalists. Anna also accompanies the Aeolian Singers and the Chiltern Choir, and regularly performs with the City Chamber Choir in London , and Polymnia in Milton Keynes . She has many other forthcoming concerts and will be performing with Arwen Newband in New Zealand in 2014.
Her website: www.annalehair.co.uk
provides pictures and information which events editors are welcome to use in their listings and feature articles.